XIII Ukrainian Conference on Macromolecules «ВМС-2013» will take place O ctober 7 – 10, 2013 in Kyiv , Ukraine in the Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry NASU
The Conference will cover whole range of polymer science:
- polymer synthesis and modification
- physics and physicochemistry of polymers
- polymers in solution and melts
- polymer blends and composites
- polymers and environment
- polymers for medicine
- nanomaterials
- membrane materials
- technology of polymer materials
Conference languages: Ukrainian, Russian, English
Registration |
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Accommodation |
Dates and deadlines |
Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (IMC NASU) (founded in 1958), is leading research center of Ukraine in the field of polymer science. Basic scientific directions are included chemistry, physicochemistry and technology of functional polymers and polymer composites.
To improve
and coordinate the research in the field of polymer science as well as to broaden collaborative networks between scientists of educational and research institutions and industrial specialists of Ukraine and other countries the IMC NASU under support of the National Academy of Sciences of
Ukraine, D.I. Mendeleev Ukrainian Chemical Society and the NASU Scientific Board
on Chemistry and Modification of Polymers regularly organizes the
scientific conferences. Previous ХІІ Ukrainian Conference on Macromolecules "ВМС-2010" was successfully held in Kyiv , Ukraine in 2010. In the work of "ВМС-2010" took place near 200 scientists and specialists
from academic and educational institutions, and industry of Ukraine , Russia , Belarus , Poland , Lithuania and
other countries. The best presentations of young scientist were awarded by Program committee of "ВМС-2010". Since 2010 IMC NASU founded the special issue of Polimernyi Zhurnal (scientific journal on polymer science) which comprises
the best scientific works of young researchers presented in the conference.